N O R D I S K   P A T R I S T I S K   B I B L I O G R A F I  a f  H o l g e r  V i l l a d s e n 

Systematic Order

A1 General Studies

A2 Authors and Texts 

B1 The Bible
B2 Old Testament
B3 New Testament
B4 Apocryphal
B5 Liturgy
B6 Piety
B7 Organisation
B8 Doctrines
B9 Religion
B10 Culture 
B11 Art  

C1 Church History
C3 Before 140
C4 Before 311
C5 After 311



Nordic Patristic Bibliography 

General subject index

Only some of the Church Fathers are included in this index. The other can be found in section A2 with authors and texts. 

Acts, apocryphal   B4
Ambrose   A2 Ambrosius
Anthropology   B8j
Apocryphal Literature   B4
Apologetics   B8g
Apostles   B6b
Apostles' Creed   B8d
Archaeology   B11a
Architecture   B11c
Art   B11b
Asceticism   B6b
Athanasian Creed   B8e
Athanasius   A2 Athanasios
Augustine   A2 Augustin 

Baptism   B5d
Basil   A2 Basilios
Bible, text   B1b
Bible, translations   B1b
Biblical Studies, general   B1a
Bibliographies   A1c 

Canon, Bible   B1c
Canon, New Testament   B3f
Canon, Old Testament   B2f
Catechumenate   B5d
Charity   B6d
Christology   B8k
Chrysostom   A2 Johannes Chrysostomos
Church and Empire   B10d
Church Fathers (alphabetical)   A2
Church History   C, C1, C4, C5
Church Year   B5f
Clement of Alexandria   A2 Clemens af Alexandria
Codicology   A1g
Controversies, dogmatic   B8p
Councils   B7b
Creeds   B8b, B8c, B8d, B8e
Creeds, studies   B8c
Creeds, translations   B8b
Culture   B10, B10a
Cyprian   A2 Cyprian 

Dictionaries   A1d
Divine Office   B5i
Divine Service   B5b
Doctrines   B8, B8a, B8o

Ecclesiology   B8m
Empire   B10d, B10e
Ethics   B8n
Expansion   B7d
Eucharist   B5c
Eusebius   A2 Euseb 

Family   B10c 

Gender   B8j
Gnosticism   B9c
God, Doctrine of   B8i
Gospels, apocryphal   B4

Hagiography   B6b
Heresiology   B8p
Homiletics   B5g
Hymnography   B5h

Iconography   B11b
Irenaeus   A2 Irenĉus
Interpretation, of Scripture   B1d
Interpretation, of NT   B3g
Interpretation, of OT   B2g

Jerome   A2 Hieronymus
Judaism   B9b
Justin Martyr   A2 Justin

Liturgy   B5, B5a, B5j 

Mandaeism   B9e
Manichaeism   B9e
Martyrs   B6b
Mass   B5a
Maximus Confessor   A2 Maximos
Methodology of Patristics   A1a
Ministry   B7, B7c
Miscellaneous Works   A1e
Mission   B7d
Monasticism   B6c
Music   B5h

New Testament   B3
New Testament, Canon   B3f
New Testament, general   B3a
New Testament, Greek   B3b
New Testament, interpretation   B3g
New Testament, Latin   B3d
New Testament, Other translations   B3e
New Testament, Syriac   B3c
Nicene Creed   B8e

Old Testament   B2
Old Testament, Canon   B2f
Old Testament, general   B2a
Old Testament, Greek   B2b
Old Testament, interpretation   B2g
Old Testament, Latin   B2d
Old Testament, Other translations   B2e
Old Testament, Syriac   B2c
Organisation   B7, B7a
Origen   A2 Origenes 

Palaeography   A1g
Paranaesis   B8n
Patristic Authors (alphabetical)   A2
Patristic Literature, general   A1
Patristics, General Studies   A1i
Patristics, History of   A1a
Persecutions   B10e
Philanthropy   B6d
Philology   A1f
Philosophy   B10b
Piety   B6, B6a
Pneumatology   B8m
Poetry   B5h
Practise   B6
Prayer   B5i
Primitive Period   C3 

Readings, liturgical   B5f
Reception of Church Fathers   A1b
Regions   C2
Religion   B9, B9a, B9e
Romanus Melodus   A2 Romanos

Sacraments   B5c, B5d, B5e
Saints   B6b
Scripture and Tradition   B8f
Social Relations   B10c
Society   B10
Soteriology   B8l 

Tertullian   A2 Tertullian
Tradition   B8f
Trinity, Doctrine of   B8h

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